Thursday, 30 September 2010

Appointment generation service..

Does your business rely on face 2 face sales?
Does your business model require you or your sales team to meet with prospective clients?
If yes, then you will appreciate the importance of maximising your time in front of customers.
Well so do we, and that's why we have designed an impressive and totally interactive program for you and your sales team to work with when managing time and cleansing operational data bases.
Every appointment we generate will match the profile of your most profitable clients precisely, and you will receive a continuous very high value potential prospects without having to compromise on your current obligations.
Sound too easy? Well we've offer this service so that your sales and business growth really does become easy for you when working with us.
If you are interested please contact us at your convenience.
Andy, Dave & Nigel

Monday, 27 September 2010

Do you have a database of clients or contacts, but your sales team dont have the time (or inclination) to contact them..?

We have experience in contacting people on corporate databases, from estate agents to IFA's to solicitors.
We work to your specification, but often it includes:
1) Database cleaning - updating contact info phone numbers/position/email etc
2) Reminder Service - a gentle reminder that you are still around
3) Updates - letting them know whats new with you
4) Customer experience - asking why no business was previously done

Number 4 raises a whole host of possibilities, good or bad, but either way the customer gets to have their say, and you get vital information as to why business was ( or was not ) done. Your client then feels valued and important to you, and you get a new client - everyone wins !

Contact me to discuss day rates.

Andy Mileham
07775 603025

Why do customers buy (or not) from you..? Ask the question..!

Do you have customers already ?

If so, have you carried out a 'customer experience' review ?

This is where you contact people on your database who either are clients, or at least you have quoted for some work for them.

The ones who are clients should be asked what made they buy from you...simple but VERY powerful question. You may be surprised at the answer.

The ones who are not clients should be asked why they did not buy from you..again simple but vital.

You get to know whats good/bad about your business and your clients get to feel valued by you, and the non-clients value your question just as much.

This kind of project will grow your business, and is much cheaper than advertising for new business !

We have carried out these projects for many companies, and the results are startling...but clients and non clients alike really appreciate the call.

We often wrap it up in a 'Customer Experience' package which can include database cleansing...

When customers feel that they are being listened to, they can become your greatest advocate...and never need paying !

Andy Mileham
07775 603025

Looking for High Net Worth Individuals..?

Historically we are an investigations company, but we realised that we can use our investigative expertise to help uncover potential prospects for a number of businesses.

This can work in 2 main ways:

1) Building a list of prospects who fit your criteria; job title, income, location and age
2) Targeting specific people; owners of certain cars, property landlords, sports/TV personalities

It has worked in the following industries :

Financial services
Car dealerships
Luxury goods
Private aircraft and yachts
Property, both domestic and holiday

I must stress that we are not talking about just supplying you with an old database.
We will source these prospects for you immediately you instruct us, so they will be upto date and relevant to you.

I have recently worked with a top name dealership who asked me to find potential buyers for a very special car (an £175k Brabus) because clearly their database of customers did not fit with this particular vehicle.

I have also been asked to uncover people who have recently got engaged, as a high end diamond supplier would like to contact them.

You probably already have databases, but as ever, how good is the information on it ? When was it last cleansed ? Do the sales team actually use it ?

What we are offering is a few, high quality contacts.

Cost starts at £30 per prospect.
No contract, buy as many or as few as you want, when you want.

5-10 in a month is a good start, you can then evaluate the information, tweak the criteria as necessary on a monthly basis, keep the outlay low and still get a regular supply of quality prospects.

What have you got to lose ?


Andrew Mileham
07775 603025